Jul 01, 2024

Spot a wild turkey? Today's the first day you can report it to the Iowa DNR

Posted Jul 01, 2024 7:52 PM

(Radio Iowa) - All Iowans are being recruited to help count the state's population of wild turkeys.

Whether driving, cycling, or hiking through the woods, if you spot one of the big, black birds, take note. Jim Coffey, a forest wildlife biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, says the agency could use a hand getting a handle on our turkey numbers. The survey is done every July and August, as wild turkey sightings are recorded to estimate this year’s nesting rates and nest success.

To report a sighting, Coffey says to visit Iowa D-N-R-dot-gov, and under the Turkey tab, there'll be a button to click asking what county you're in, the number of turkeys you've seen, whether they're male or female, and the number of poults -- or baby turkeys.