St Joseph Post
Mar 19, 2025

Schmidt says recent visit to southern border contrasts earlier visit

Posted Mar 19, 2025 2:30 PM
Congressman Derek Schmidt joins the U.S. House delegation at the southern border in Arizona/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office
Congressman Derek Schmidt joins the U.S. House delegation at the southern border in Arizona/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office


St. Joseph Post

Eastern Kansas Congressman Derek Schmidt has returned from a visit to the southern border.

Schmidt, a Republican, says his visit with a small U.S. House delegation to Arizona came as a stark contrast with his visit earlier as the Kansas Attorney General.

“When I was at the border, I think it was about almost three years ago now, masses of people, chaos, huge waves of humanity trying to migrate into the border, trying to come across. This time, completely different,” Schmidt tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. “In fact, we actually visited a border patrol holding facility. It holds about a thousand people at capacity. They day we were there:  zero.”

Schmidt says the huge influx of illegal immigrants has been reduced to a trickle, allowing border patrol agents to focus on their actual duties.

“And that is to focus on enforcing our border security and immigration laws. It is to combat the cartels and prevent those criminal entities that obviously are working very hard to move drugs and people across the border so they can distribute them throughout the United States,” according to Schmidt. “Now, our law enforcement and military and other assets can focus on that.”

Congressman Derek Schmidt listens as a border patrol agent discusses the situation at the southern border/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office
Congressman Derek Schmidt listens as a border patrol agent discusses the situation at the southern border/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office

Schmidt says it’s now up to Congress to put into law what the president has signed into executive order.

“Remain in Mexico, no catch and release, some asylum reform provisions; the types of things that we know work, because they have stopped the waves of people coming, we now need to make permanent so that a future president can’t with a stroke of a pen undo those and take us back to where we were in the chaos of the Biden administration.”

Schmidt points out what can be implemented by executive order can be reverse by executive order.

The U.S. House delegation receives a briefing from a border patrol agent/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office
The U.S. House delegation receives a briefing from a border patrol agent/Photo courtesy of Congressman Schmidt's office

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