Sep 03, 2020

Maryville Chamber of Commerce launches brand update

Posted Sep 03, 2020 6:03 PM


St. Joseph Post

After a two-year process involving community feedback, grant funding and color palettes, the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce is updating its brand.

Maryville Chamber Executive Director Lily White says they wanted any new brand to reflect their chamber members and the community.

"We brought Chandlerthinks in, they specialize in place branding and talking to communities, figuring out what makes them special and then turning around and telling the world an honest brand."

The previous Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce brand has been in place since the 1980s.
The previous Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce brand has been in place since the 1980s.

White says they have had the brand finalized since February and had plans to present it at their banquet in June, but then COVID hit.

"We think that everybody needs a little good news right now. We are starting to see the weather change again and we're still dealing with COVID and obviously still dealing with the mask mandate here in Maryville, so we wanted to kind of add a little pep to the step of Maryville and of the county," White says. "So we decided that even though it's not ideal to kick off our brand without being able to get together and celebrate with our members that we would do a digital launch."

The brand update went online Thursday and the chamber will be hosting a socially distant First Friday coffee to present the new brand.

To see the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce brand update, visit their website or Facebook page.