Sep 18, 2023

Prevalent strain of coronavirus causing numbers to rise in Doniphan County

Posted Sep 18, 2023 3:16 PM


St. Joseph Post 

Numbers of COVID-19 cases around the United States have risen as a new strain of the virus effects the country. . . And it’s no different in Doniphan County.  

Health Department Director Sheryl Pierce says while she does not have an exact number, she does know that cases in the county are high.  

"I absolutely do know that we've had people call because thankfully there are still some people that are still concerned about COVID, they call us and ask a lot of questions," Pierce tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. "We're still asking that you have that 1o day isolation period, five days complete isolation not around anybody, day six if you're fever free for 24 hours and have a negative antigen test then wear a mask for the next five days." 

Pierce says a new monovalent vaccine will replace the current bivalent one.  

Pierce says the new vaccine will operate much like getting a flu shot. 

"Every year then you'll end up getting a flu shot and then whatever strain of that COVID they've scientifically figured is the most prevalent, you'll be getting that one too," Pierce says. "Maybe down the road you'll see them combined with maybe RSV, but that's many years away yet."