Apr 18, 2022

First 2023 Farm Bill hearing scheduled for Michigan

Posted Apr 18, 2022 5:02 PM

Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow, Chair of the Senate Ag Committee, and Ranking Member John Boozman of Arkansas announced the first 2023 Farm Bill listening session.

The hearing will include input from a diverse range of agricultural producers and stakeholders about the next bill.

The first hearing will be on Friday, April 29, at Michigan State University.

Stabenow says the farm bill’s tradition of bipartisanship will continue with the next version. “We’ll be hearing from farmers and others impacted by the farm bill,” Stabenow says. “We’ll talk about how we can strengthen this important legislation, grow the economy, and strengthen the supply chain.”

Boozman also says that crafting a farm bill that can become law is a delicate balance. “The needs of each region and each commodity must be balanced, which is why we must hear directly from stakeholders from across the country,” he says. Stream it live at ag.senate.gov.