Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuels trade association, published its 2024 federal policy priorities.
“These are policy decisions that will shape the next era of growth in plant-based energy and climate solutions,” says Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “We hope these priorities serve as a roadmap for elected officials seeking to support biomanufacturing facilities at the heart of America’s bioeconomy.”
The policy priorities focus on ensuring drivers can use more lower-carbon, lower-cost bioethanol at the pump at home and abroad. The group wants to restore permanent, unrestricted access to E15 year-round nationwide. Growth Energy also wants to use bioethanol to expeditiously advance the national transportation carbon reduction goals.
They want to make sure the Department of Energy incorporates the best science and makes limited changes to the GREET model as it relates to the 408 Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit. They want to ensure changes are finished by March 1, 2024.