St. Joseph Post
Temperatures remain extremely cold, and at times below freezing, which can threaten the water pipes in your home.
To help prevent the danger frozen pipes could cause, Missouri American Water is giving residents tips to avoid the disaster that could cause.
Spokeswoman Christie Barnhart says newer homes don't need to shut off their water if pipes freeze, but if you live in an older home.
"It might not be a bad idea to shut the water off and then periodically check," Barnhart tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. "Just because if you have older pipes and you know that you do, and that water comes back on and the pipe bursts, obviously that can accumulate in the home very, very quickly."
Barnhart says there are a few simple steps people can take to help prevent frozen pipes.
"The first thing, and I actually did this myself before the cold snap, is I went to a home improvement store and basically purchased some inexpensive wrap for my pipes, there are certain areas of my home that are cooler than others and I wrapped those pipes," Barnhart explains. "And then I started leaving the cabinet doors open so the pipes could get exposed to warmer air in the house."
Another tip from Missouri American is to let a small trickle flow from the faucet while temperatures are below freezing.
Barnhart says while homeowners worry how that could impact on their water bills, that is far less expensive than having pipes burst.
"Not only are you looking at, if your pipes burst, a higher water bill, which we do have a program where after repairs are made your bills can be adjusted," Barnhart says. "But it's the mess and the inconvenience of not having water, having water standing in your home, water is very damaging to homes if its standing for any period of time."
Barnhart says letting that water trickle from the faucet is one of the top three things people can do in terms of prevention