May 24, 2022

Growth Energy, EPA reach settlement on 2023 RVO deadline

Posted May 24, 2022 2:46 PM

Growth Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement on a deadline for issuing the 2023 Renewable Volume Obligations for blending ethanol into the fuel supply.

The EPA is expected to file a notice in the Federal Register on Monday seeking comment on a proposed decree that would require the EPA propose the 2023 RVOs by no later than September 16, 2022.

The agency would then finalize it no later than April 28, 2023. 

EPA’s notice comes after Growth Energy filed a notice of intent to sue and a complaint in federal district court after the EPA failed to set the RVOs by the Congressionally-mandated deadline.

“Securing a deadline for the 2023 RVO is a significant victory in our mission to ensure certainty when it comes to biofuel blending says Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor, “especially as we face a new era of the RFS when volumes are set by EPA and not Congress.”