Dec 06, 2022

Farm capital expenditures increasing with farm income rise

Posted Dec 06, 2022 4:35 PM

In response to relatively stronger net farm incomes, U.S. farm sector capital expenditures have increased dramatically in the last three years, according to research by the University of Illinois.

In 2019, farm sector capital expenditures were approximately $30.1 billion. The forecasted value for 2022 is $44.2 billion.

Capital expenditures include tractors, trucks, autos, machinery, buildings, land improvements, and miscellaneous expenditures.

Capital consumption represents the declining balance of capital stock or economic depreciation. The ratio of capital expenditures to capital consumption increased from 1.06 in 2019 to 1.70 in 2022. The data implies that farmers have used a portion of their strong net farm incomes in the last few years to replenish their capital stock.

The changes in expenditures during the last four years have differed among expenditure categories. Specifically, increases were larger for tractors and machinery than for autos, trucks, buildings, and land improvements.