Aug 07, 2023

USGC host Japanese delegation to show off ethanol benefits

Posted Aug 07, 2023 4:08 PM

A Japanese delegation recently visited the U.S. to meet with several key policymakers, U.S. Grains Council Staff in Washington, D.C., and visit corn fields and ethanol plants.

As part of the Council’s ethanol promotion efforts in Japan, this program aimed to promote ethanol direct blending and new uses of ethanol, including sustainable aviation fuel.

The delegation was able to learn more about U.S. policies and incentives in place related to climate change and ethanol.

The delegation was led by Akira Amari, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and the House of Representatives in Japan.

“It was important to make sure that Mr. Amari, an influential policy maker, and a strong biofuel advocate, understands the supply capacity of U.S. corn ethanol to meet the growing demand for direct blending and SAF in Japan,” says Tommy Hamamoto, USGC director in Japan. “He was impressed by our robust corn production and ethanol supply.”