Sep 15, 2023

Annual homes tour shows off historic jewels of St. Joseph

Posted Sep 15, 2023 7:26 PM
CD Smith House, 718 North 7th Street/ Courtesy photo
CD Smith House, 718 North 7th Street/ Courtesy photo


St. Joseph Post 

Seven of St. Joseph's historic architectural jewels will be shown off during an annual tour this weekend.  

The sixth annual Jewels of St. Joseph Homes tour will once again draw in hundreds of people from around the region to see historic architecture. 

Owner of the Shakespeare Chateau Isobel McGowan says the event is always popular.  

"We sold out again this year, we sell out just about every year I think the only year we didn't sell out we had some bad weather that was predicted and in fact came around, so we didn't sell as many tickets that year, but we sold 650 this year," McGowan tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post.  

The homes tour will show off five historic homes with the tour running from 10am to 5pm 

McGowan says with that timeframe people on the tour should be able to visit every site on display. 

"With seven homes over a seven-hour period most people are able to get into all of the seven locations and learn a little bit," McGowan explains. "We always have some volunteers who are dressed up in period costume, everybody likes to have their picture taken with that, and it's just a fun day." 

Walkers on the tour will also have an opportunity to visit the historic Trail Theatre and the First Christian Church downtown.  

This year's tour is sold out so interested people should keep an eye out for next year's event.  

McGowan says the event every year draws in hundreds of people from around the region. 

"My facility is sold out the night before, it brings in lots of economic interest and vitality into our downtown area," McGowan says. "This year we've actually got a list in the tour booklet of locations in downtown, restaurants and shops that are going to be open on tour day, so it's a win-win-win situation, everybody wins." 

Cooper-Heaton House, 2028 Clay Street/ Courtesy photo
Cooper-Heaton House, 2028 Clay Street/ Courtesy photo