The National Pork Board elected new officers to lead the 15 producer-directors representing 60,000 American pig farmers who pay into the National Pork Checkoff.
The checkoff is a program that funds research, promotion, and education efforts for the benefit of the whole pork industry. Indiana pork producer Heather Hill was elected to serve as president of the National Pork Board for the 2022-2023 term.
“Real Pork is about real farmers leading efforts to ensure the public understands our product is Real Nutritious and Real Sustainable,” says Hill.
The new president owns a 600-sow farrow-to-finish operation in Indiana with her husband and his parents. The family farm also grows corn, soybeans, and wheat.
“We will deliver real results to help protect producer freedom to operate and promote continuity of business should a foreign animal disease like African Swine Fever threaten the U.S. herd,” Hill adds.
Bob Ruth of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is the new Vice-President.