Sep 02, 2022

USGC talks biotech corn with Japanese regulators

Posted Sep 02, 2022 3:30 PM

The U.S. Grains Council recently organized a trip to the U.S. for Japanese regulators involved in that country’s food, feed, and environmental approvals of biotech corn.

While in the U.S., the group met with USGC staff, U.S. government regulators, biotech seed companies, and industry organizations.

They also met with U.S. corn producers and companies involved in the production, distribution, and exports of U.S. corn to Japan.

The meetings helped educate the Japanese regulators about biotech corn events in the pipeline for entry into Japan’s regulatory system in the future. They also learned how regulatory approvals and regulations need to be able to work with the U.S. corn production, distribution, and export systems.

“The Council has been organizing trips for the biotech team even year since 2007,” says Tommy Hamamoto, USGC Director in Japan. “The knowledge and confidence they’ve gained have helped regulators to consistently make and maintain science-based regulatory decisions.”