Sep 30, 2022

USDA expands PACE coverage

Posted Sep 30, 2022 2:43 PM

USDA says it has expanded its Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) insurance option for corn farmers who “split-apply” nitrogen on their crops.

The coverage now includes most counties in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, where non-irrigate corn is insurable.

USDA rolled out PACE earlier this year to support stewardship of fertilizer and will continue to offer it in select counties of Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, and the Dakotas.

“PACE provides an additional risk management tool for corn growers,” says NCGA President Chris Edgington. PACE provides coverage for the projected yield lost when producers are unable to apply the post-nitrogen application due to field conditions created by the weather during the V3 through V10 stages.

“We’re always working to offer risk management options and opportunities in the best interest of producers and their operations, and that also support and encourage environmental and climate-smart practices,” says Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger.