Feb 23, 2024

EPA Makes Decision on Summertime E15

Posted Feb 23, 2024 4:00 PM

The Environmental Protection Agency approved the long-delayed petitions from eight Midwest governors to allow summertime sales of E15 in these states.

Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, says it’s a double-edged sword.

“The EPA finally allows retailers in these eight states to sell E15 year-round,” he says. “But it also delays the rule’s implementation until 2025.”

That delay creates considerable uncertainty and confusion about the availability of lower-cost, lower-carbon E15 this coming summer.

“It’s helpful to have certainty about 2025, but what happens this summer?” Cooper asked. ”The administration missed its statutory deadline to finalize the governors’ petition by more than 500 days, and now it claims there isn’t enough time to implement the rule in time for summer 2024.”

He doesn’t understand why ethanol producers, fuel retailers, consumers, and farmers should be penalized for EPA’s foot-dragging.

“We want uninterrupted access this year,” he adds.