Apr 10, 2023

Supt. Edgar acknowledges BAC over legal limit; apologizes

Posted Apr 10, 2023 10:48 PM
St. Joseph School Supt. Gabe Edgar/file photo
St. Joseph School Supt. Gabe Edgar/file photo


St. Joseph Post 

St. Joseph School Superintendent Gabe Edgar, in a written statement released late Monday, states he wants to continue to be part of the work of the St. Joseph School District, though he admits he had a blood alcohol content above the legal limit when pulled over Sunday, March 26th.

Edgar states he had been watching March Madness, the NCAA basketball tournament, and consumed beer throughout the course of the games. A Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper pulled him over on St. Joseph Avenue that Sunday evening and administered a field sobriety test. Edgar agreed to a voluntary blood draw to determine his blood alcohol content.

"The results have indicated I was over the legal limit. I am extremely disappointed in myself and the poor judgement that I demonstrated that evening, and for this, I am sorry," Edgar says in the written statement.

Buchanan County Courthouse records indicate Edgar has been charged with misdemeanor driving-while-intoxicated.

Edgar says the district is moving in the right direction and he wants to continue to be part of the process, stating the climate and culture of the district have shown significant improvement, citing attendance is up 8% from a year ago. Edgar says the district is addressing discipline problems and overseeing the expansion of the Hillyard Technical School.

"We have good work to do in our school district, and I am proud to be part of it, and I want to continue to be part of it. Most importantly, I will hold myself accountable to my most significant priority, being the role model that our students, staff, and community deserve," Edgar writes in the conclusion of the statement.

St. Joseph School Board President David Foster also issued a written statement late Monday, saying that the Board of Education is aware of the updated status of the matter. Foster writes that the school board is evaluating its next steps with support from its legal counsel.

Below is the full statement from St. Joseph School Superintendent Gabe Edgar:

Public Statement

Throughout my tenure in the Saint Joseph School District, I have taken pride in being honest and transparent with the community, school board, faculty, and students. When something negative occurs, I address it head on so that we can move forward together. It has been difficult for me to wait and to discuss the events of Sunday, March 26; this is out of character for me.

That evening, I had been watching the March Madness basketball and had consumed beer throughout the course of the games. I was pulled over and given a field sobriety test and eventually agreed to a voluntary blood draw to determine my blood alcohol content. The results have indicated I was over the legal limit. I am extremely disappointed in myself and the poor judgement that I demonstrated that evening, and for this, I am sorry.

Our district is moving in the right direction, and I want to continue to be part of the process. If you examine our current work, our climate and culture has shown significant improvement, our attendance is almost 8% higher than a year ago, we are addressing the discipline concerns and planning for our alternative setting, we are in progress of the expansion of Hillyard Technical School with our community partnerships, and we are leading the expansion of early learning in our city.

We have good work to do in our school district, and I am proud to be part of it, and I want to continue to be part of it. Most importantly, I will hold myself accountable to my most significant priority, being the role model that our students, staff, and community deserve.