Sep 22, 2023

NPPC past president testifies on reforming GSP

Posted Sep 22, 2023 3:29 PM

National Pork Producers Council Past President Randy Spronk testified at a House subcommittee hearing on reforming the generalized system of preferences to safeguard American supply chains and combat China.

The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) provided duty-free treatment of goods exported to America from developing countries before expiring in 2020.

“American pork producers support the renewal of GSP, a valuable program that will give U.S. trade negotiators another tool to persuade countries to eliminate trade restrictions on U.S. products,” Spronk said.

In the past, the U.S. pork industry has utilized GSP to gain market access to countries like Argentina and India.  

“A renewal of GSP should include stronger enforcement mechanisms that provide U.S. trade negotiators with the tools to ensure countries are meeting their obligations,” Spronk adds.

America’s pork industry shipped $7.68 billion worth of pork to more than 100 foreign countries in 2022, supporting approximately 155,000 U.S. jobs.