Oct 27, 2022

R-CALF makes post-election push for M-COOL

Posted Oct 27, 2022 2:53 PM

R-CALF USA, the Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America, is making a push for Congress to consider mandatory country-of-origin labeling of beef.

R-CALF is encouraging its members and others to show their support to lawmakers for the American Beef Labeling Act.

The bill was introduced by Republican Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds, alongside Democrats Jon Tester and Cory Booker last month.

The legislation would require the U.S. Trade Representative, in consultation with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, to develop a World Trade Organization-compliant means of reinstating MCOOL for beef within one year of enactment.

USTR would have six months to develop a reinstatement plan, followed by a six-month implementation window. If USTR fails to reinstate MCOOL for beef within one year of enactment, it would automatically be reinstated for beef only. R-CALF points to a Morning Consult poll that claims 86 percent of U.S. voters support the bill.