by Sarah Thomack
St. Joseph Post
The St. Joseph YWCA is accepting nominations to recognize local "Women of Excellence" ahead of their 19th annual Awards Luncheon.
“What we just feel is very important is to support and encourage women and say, ‘We have a lot of wonderful women in this community who do amazing things to help people and to really make change and make a difference,’ and so that’s what this event is about,” says Tammy Killin, St. Joseph YWCA CEO.
Killin says there are several nomination categories including Workplace, Leadership, Volunteerism and Emerging Leader. Businesses may also be nominated as an Employer of Excellence and there's a new category, Entrepreneur of Excellence.
“This one is for women who have started businesses, who have taken that leap and we wanted to recognize their willingness to do that and that leadership that comes, an assertiveness that comes with that type of journey," Killin says. "So we just wanted to recognize them, which we’re really excited about that new category.”
The 19th annual Women of Excellence Awards Luncheon is June 18th. For more information or to find nomination forms, click here.
The deadline to submit nominations is March 15th.