Mar 10, 2023

NCBA welcomes Black Vulture Relief Act

Posted Mar 10, 2023 3:59 PM

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association applauded the Black Vulture Relief Act, introduced by Representatives John Rose (R-TN) and Darren Soto (D-FL).

“Cattle producers across the country are coping with extreme input costs and the worst inflation rate in 40 years,” says NCBA Government Affairs Director Sigrid Johannes.

“Livestock deaths due to black vultures are a financial loss that no one can afford right now.”

The bill would allow cattle producers to “take” (capture, kill, disperse, or transport) black vultures that pose a risk to livestock. The bill also reduces permitting burdens and red tape by instituting a simple report that producers submit once a year detailing the number of black vultures they took.

Black Vulture depredation rates have recently increased in the Southeast U.S., surpassing 30 percent in some states like Florida. “The Florida Cattlemen’s Association appreciates this commonsense bill,” says Jim Handley, executive vice president of the association.