Dec 15, 2022

NOAA announces funding for fish habitats across U.S.

Posted Dec 15, 2022 4:03 PM

NOAA Fisheries Wednesday announced $105 million in funding for 36 new fish passage projects under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

The announcement includes significant funding to implement fish passage projects that meet tribal priorities and build tribal organizational capacity to support their role as stewards of tribal resources.

Through the funding, NOAA prioritized projects that demonstrate a broad base of stakeholder and community support.

Selected projects will span the full range of fish passage types, including dam removals, fish ladders, culvert improvements and in-stream fish passage improvements. NOAA says 15 of the projects, encompassing more than $26.3 million in funding, will be led by tribal applicants for fish passage.

Fish passage is about improving access for fish to the habitats they need or reconnecting access to historic habitat blocked by humans. Migratory fish like salmon require access to high-quality rearing and spawning habitats, and unimpeded migratory corridors, to be successful and resilient.