Oct 24, 2022

Candidates for 34th Senatorial District air differing visions

Posted Oct 24, 2022 7:30 PM
State Senate candidates speak at the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce candidate forum broadcast on KFEQ/Photo by Matt Pike
State Senate candidates speak at the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce candidate forum broadcast on KFEQ/Photo by Matt Pike


St. Joseph Post

Missouri 34th Senatorial District incumbent, Republican Tony Luetkemeyer of Parkville, is being challenged in his re-election bid by political newcomer, Democrat Sarah Shorter of Kansas City.

Luetkemeyer, in a St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce candidate forum, touts his record on fighting crime and bringing state money to the district in his bid to win a second four-year term.

“But even with all these successes, I know that my work in Jefferson City is far from over,” Luetkemeyer tells the audience at Stoney Creek Hotel and those listening on KFEQ, “and if you give me the chance on November 8th to continue serving as your state senator, I promise to keep fighting for you every single day as I’ve done for the last four years.”

Countering that is Shorter, with a different perspective. Shorter states that experience with struggles drives the campaign.

“I have depression. I have anxiety. I have physical health issues. I have been homeless at one point in my life, although it was a very soft form of homelessness. I will admit that,” Shorter says. “So, when I talk about policies, these are not hypotheticals to me. They are things that are part of my lived experience.”

State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R-Parkville) and challenger Sarah Shorter (D-Kansas City)/Photo by Matt Pike
State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R-Parkville) and challenger Sarah Shorter (D-Kansas City)/Photo by Matt Pike

The two do not agree on what is the most pressing issue facing the state.

Luetkemeyer sites the economy as the most pressing issue.

“It’s gas prices being out of control. It’s housing prices skyrocketing. It’s interest rates going up,” according to Luetkemeyer. “It’s the economy and the Stock Market tanking, which is impacted everyone’s 401(k)s and their retirement plans.”

But Shorter says the biggest issue is gun violence, advocating responsible ways to own and store firearms.

“If I could explain to you what it’s like to see kids who are shot accidently or kids who have shot themselves, I feel like I would be able to express this much better,” Shorter tells the audience. “But I can assure you, it is as horrifying as you imagine.”

Shorter says common sense gun control is the best way to address violent crime.

“The other thing that is really important is that we start investing in our mental health services for adults and for teens,” Shorter says. “When we hear of another mass shooting, it’s always that there is some sort of mental health issue; then we need to start looking at mental health issues.”

Luetkemeyer says he has already been addressing the issue, sponsoring legislation to make sure violent offenders serve time in prison.

“Because what we have seen in Kansas City and elsewhere around the state, any time you pick up a newspaper, is somebody who commits a murder oftentimes has a long rap sheet where they’ve committed multiple violent offenses, yet they get a slap on the wrist and they’re back out on the streets and then they eventually kill someone,” Luetkemeyer says. “That is not okay.”

The 34th State Senatorial District is comprised of Platte and Buchanan Counties.

You can hear the full candidate forum on 680KFEQ – dot - com.