Cattle producers voiced their concerns with the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers' ongoing Waters of the U.S. rulemaking this week.
The Kansas Livestock Association hosted one of ten roundtable events for the EPA and Army Corps Monday.
NCBA Environmental Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart says, “To be successful in their operations, cattle producers need a clear, limited WOTUS definition that finally provides much-needed certainty after years of shifting rules.”
In July 2021, the EPA announced that rather than facilitate public engagement—the typical course of action for major rulemakings—the agency would instead ask private organizations to entirely plan and propose a roundtable with stakeholders. In addition to the roundtables, NCBA has engaged on WOTUS by submitting technical comments on the proposed phase one WOTUS rule and filing an amicus brief in the case Sackett v. EPA, a challenge to the EPA’s authority under the Clean Water Act.
NCBA has called for the EPA to pause WOTUS rulemaking until the case is decided.