U.S. pork producers approved a resolution to enhance the country’s live swine traceability system during the 2024 National Pork Industry Forum hosted by the National Pork Producers Council.
“Traceability is a priority for the industry and has been for decades,” says Lori Stevermer, incoming NPPC president and Minnesota producer. “These standards will improve our ability to control the spread of a foreign animal disease and lessen the economic impact of an outbreak should one occur.”
A producer-led task force brought together stakeholders in the supply chain to identify gaps in the traceability system. That process resulted in several recommendations, including all swine owners needing to register for a premises identification number. Other recommendations include high-risk swine being required to get tagged with an Animal Identification Number RFID tag.
”Industry delegates at Pork Forum took a proactive step to protect animal health and producers’ livelihoods,” says NPPC’s Immediate Past President Scott Hays.