Jan 12, 2023

AFBF establishes 2023 policy priorities

Posted Jan 12, 2023 4:23 PM

Delegates at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 104th annual convention adopted policies that will guide the organization’s work in 2023.

Some of the key topics ranged from expanding risk management programs and improving dairy pricing transparency to battling hunger.

“There’s a lot of work to do in 2023 as Congress drafts the next farm bill, and the policies set forth will guide AFBF as we work to ensure farmers and ranchers can continue to meet the growing needs of families in America and around the world,” says President Zippy Duvall.

Delegates voted to modernize the farm bill by expanding baseline funding, developing more flexible disaster relief programs, and extending protection to more specialty crops.

They also voted to bring more transparency to the federal milk pricing system. Voting delegates also formalized the organization’s opposition to the new Waters of the U.S. rule and a potential Mexican ban on GMO corn.