Apr 02, 2024

Timothy Patrick Roebling Jr 1998 - 2024

Posted Apr 02, 2024 12:53 AM

Timothy Patrick Roebling Junior left behind his earthly body and became perfectly free on March 28, 2024. Tim was the epitome of grace and forgiveness and was always thankful for any time someone would spend with him, no matter how short.

With Tim, what you saw was what you got. He always had pure motives and intentions. For those who took the time to really talk to Tim, you would know he pondered things of great depth and spiritual wonderings. I have to believe God smiled at Timothy and even delighted in him. I believe Timothy was a young man after God’s own heart- always searching for the truth albeit imperfectly. Now Timothy rejoices because all of his questions have been answered.

There was much he didn’t understand in the ways most people “understand” things but he had a way of sharing truths delivered in love. He accepted people as they were with no expectations. He saw things with a clarity not hindered by the world’s thoughts and opinions. Tim had a way of getting under your skin, but in the most endearing way possible. Like a lot of big brothers, one of his favorite pastimes was trying to push the buttons of his sisters and mom. He was fiercely loyal and protective of his family. When he was a kid, he attempted to dig a hole to hell armed with a plastic shovel to beat up the devil in order to protect his sisters in the ditch behind the house he and his family lived in. Tim’s determination in all he set his mind to do should be an inspiration to all. He fought for life and he fought to live the best life possible to him until the time God called him home.

We will miss Tim’s obnoxious laugh, funny side comments, his smirk when he was proud of himself for stinking up a room- much to the dismay of everyone in the room- and even the way he pointed and laughed. His love for dogs, kids, books, history, the outdoors, fishing, cooking, auto mechanics and his family leave us with so many opportunities to see him in our daily lives, even though his physical body is no longer with us. Tim was a low key, casual guy who overall just loved spending time with his loved ones. No matter the occasion, whether it be working hard outside, sitting at the nail salon with his sister or Sunday Family Dinners, he was happy to be a part of it. Tim loved practical jokes, winning every single Monopoly Game (when dad wasn’t playing because dad is the ultimate winner) and was always taking care of his family in acts of service but also just trying to get us to laugh. Although we are indescribably sad, we strive to honor his life by remembering the good times and smiling through the tears.

Tim was met in eternity by our childhood dogs, Boomer and Bryndle- who he loved and adored. Our sibling angel who we have never met earthside, Sarah. Paternal Great Grandparents Edward and Patricia, Grandfather John and Uncle Jimmy. Maternal Great Grandparents Robert “Bob” and Mary Rose and, Grandfather Gary Leas. Even though he never met or very briefly knew these people, they loved him for as long as they were with us earthside and before they knew of his existence.

His memory and legacy are kept alive on earth by loving parents, Tim Sr and Becky, twin sister Mikayla and, younger sisters Jacki and Emma. Maternal grandmother Mary “Grandma Tiger”, Paternal Grandma Patty and numerous Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and friends. We love you, Bubba!

May 31,1998- March 28, 2024

In lieu of flowers, the family asks donations be made in honor of Timothy to Parkville Women’s Clinic. www.PWC4life.us Until we meet again, we will carry his laughter in our hearts!

“Do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” -Dr Seuss.
