Clean Fuels Alliance America members testified during the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Public Hearing on RFS Standards for 2023-2025 and Other Changes.”
Staff members expressed frustration with the proposed volumes for biomass-based diesel because they don’t match the volumes that are already in the market and don’t account for expected growth in capacity and feedstocks.
“This proposed rule significantly undercounts existing biomass-based diesel production and fails to provide growth for investments the industry has already made in additional capacity, including for sustainable aviation fuel,” Clean Fuels CEO Donnell Rehagen said during testimony.
“Clean Fuels is once again frustrated that EPA has the wherewithal needed to determine current production, the knowledge of the investments being made, and the resources to accurately determine feedstock availability, and yet proposes a no-growth scenario,” says Kurt Kovarik, Vice President of Federal Affairs. Rehagen also said EPA committed to promoting homegrown fuels but failed to follow through.