The Federation of State Beef Councils has supported an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership since 1963.
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff and state beef councils, continues setting a positive course for beef.
Recent program successes include Nutrition Research which serves as the foundation for all Beef Checkoff-funded initiatives. Nutrition research proves beef has a role in a healthy and sustainable diet.
The National Beef Quality Audit is the foundational research providing an understanding of what quality means to the various industry sectors.
The 2022 NBQA results showed that the industry is more efficiently producing a high-quality product that consumers want. One of the industry’s top focus areas across the supply chain remains food safety.
Cow-calf producers, stockers, and feedyards implement Beef Quality Assurance practices on their operations to produce the highest-quality cattle and the best possible eating experience for consumers.