Aug 12, 2022

National Farmers Union schedules Washington fly-in

Posted Aug 12, 2022 3:15 PM

National Farmers Union members will head to Washington, DC, next month for the organization’s Fall Legislative Fly-In Sunday, September 11th through Wednesday, September 14. During the four-day gathering, Farmers Union members from across the country will meet with Members of Congress, of Agriculture officials, and representatives from other federal agencies.

Throughout the meetings, Farmers Union members will share their legislative and policy priorities for the final months of 2022.  Farmers Union members will highlight the need for Fairness for Farmers policies, which include placing a special investigator for meat and poultry at USDA, strengthening the Packers and Stockyards Act, bringing more openness to the cattle market, re-establishing Country Of Origin Labeling for beef, and ensuring that farmers have the right to repair their own equipment.

Discussions will also be held to outline NFU’s priorities for the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill and how the Inflation Reduction Act can best help family farmers and ranchers address the climate crisis.