Jun 22, 2023

MoDOT lifts fees to move hay during drought

Posted Jun 22, 2023 6:59 PM


St. Joseph Post

Large loads of hay may be transported in Missouri without the usual charge for over-width hauling.

Northwest Missouri Department of Transportation District Engineer Marty Liles says it is in response to the dry conditions farmers face this summer.

“Basically, we have about half of our Missouri counties that are in some sort of drought, some worse than others,” Liles tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post.

Gov. Mike Parson issued a declaration of drought, triggering the state response to spreading drought conditions in Missouri. While parts of central Missouri and a small portion of northeast Missouri are in extreme drought, other parts of Missouri, including much of northwest Missouri, are considered abnormally dry.

As part of the state response, MoDOT will waive the $96 blanket fee for hay loads exceeding 12-feet, six-inches and $15 fee for single trips of up to 14 feet in width. Permits must still be obtained from the MoDOT Carrier Division. The exemption will last through December 1st.

Under the drought exemption, hay can be hauled during holidays and at night.

Liles says it’s common to see a lot of hay moving this time of year in northwest Missouri.

“I definitely can see as I drive around on the roadways, looking at our highway system, you see a lot of hay being bailed right now and a lot of it being hauled,” Liles says.

MoDOT permits cover movement within Missouri only and are required for each truck. Questions may be directed to MoDOT’s Motor Carrier Services office at 1-800-877-8499.

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