Clean Fuels America Alliance wants the Environmental Protection Agency to increase the advanced biofuels’ share of the fuel market by one billion gallons a year to reflect the rising interest in renewable diesel production.
The recommendations would raise the federal mandate for second-generation biofuels by over 7.6 billion gallons in 2024, which amounts to a 36 percent increase from this year. “We’re seeing the production of renewable diesel coming online,” says Donnell Rehagen, Clean Fuels America CEO. “We believe the EPA has to increase the biomass-based diesel volume by 500 million gallons and the advance biofuels by one billion gallons for each of the next two years.”
In an agreement with the biofuel industry, the EPA has a deadline on November 30 to announce the Renewable Fuel Standard for 2023 and possibly for additional years. Plants with up to three billion gallons of capacity will come online in the next three years.